Saturday 8 January 2011

First night in ICU & Day 1 Post Op.....

To say it was hard is an understatement – I was very anxious and Ben was trying to settle – Sarah his new nurse was very good and didn’t get annoyed when I kept calling her!
The buzzers, lights and constant trip into the room to change drugs etc. did not help.  I found myself clock watching then monitor watching just to pass the time I was worried if I went to sleep I would go into deep sleep and not hear him call me.  But as most mothers know, no matter how asleep you are you always hear you child. As the hours ticked by slowly Ben got more comfortable and managed to sleep in between drug changes.  I managed a couple of half hours here and there but not much.

Managed a small smile

 View from my new room on the 12th by night.

Facebook & Twitter have kept me entertained & the 6 hour difference helps so I can call on family. Thanks to my big sister – you have your uses xx
I finally thought at 6:45am I would ring Damian – he answer with a grunt so I thought he had just woken up, and then he told me~ Jacob had been up all night with sickness and diarrhoea NO!!!!!   This was not good – we were here on our own, we had no childcare back up what would we do!!!!
Things never run smoothly for us, but what doesn’t break you make you stronger, good job really...
I needed to go back to the apartment to shower and change as the original plan was to hand over to Damian, but after talking to the hospital staff they said it was better that Jacob did not come near Ben for at least 48 hours!  Ben was so good I explained to him that I had to leave him and he said he would be ok, Lou & Ben Annabelle’s parents said they would bob in to check on him for me.  Once he was settled and sleep I went home to get sorted.  It has worked out well living so close it is only 5 minutes walk.  As I arrived at the apartment Damian filled me in on the night events and the day’s new events – we needed to change apartments & hire car!!! Told you it always happens to us.
After a quick shower & change it was back to the hospital, Ben has been fine, he was comfortable but needed log rolling frequently to stay comfy. We both tried to get a few power naps but with the day nurse’s Liz & Jenny coming in and out to change meds it was hard.  Ben was talking more and looking around – as well as he could.  I am so proud of him, I know how frustrated he is and now he hate not being able to do things for himself but it’s only for  short time.  The Doctor came in and told us he was doing really well and that we would be moving to the 12th Floor at some point during the day.  This is the ward he will stay on until discard and hopefully have a private room.  Ben’s SDR buddy was moved first and we had a long wait till 2pm till it was our turn.

 My brave young man xx

Ben coped really well with the transition as this involved a lot of bumpy movements in his bed.  Once up we were taken to his new room for the next 5 day – we meet his nurse Brandi who again was wonderful – as all the staff have been they really put you to easy and never mind you calling then (which I do quite a lot), once he was all hooked up and settled we had a good look at our new home.  We were very luck as Ben got a private room, but have been told that he might move if another child need is at it has CCTV. 
Ben struggled to get comfy and his back was giving him a lot of pain, he liked being on his sides but just hated being rolled the nurse’s were so patient with him. I call Damian a lot as I felt so alone & Ben was being (understandable) quite aggressive towards me, which I was finding hard to deal with.  Having Skype had been a god send, just love it.
Damian came over for half an hour so I could see Jacob and get my PJ’s, then by 7pm we were both shattered to we settled down to sleep – fingers cross we would get some and Ben would be comfortable.

Charlotte x

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